Of the screened extracts, 44 extracts in the concentration of 100?Rubi Fructusfruit,Salicis RadicisCortex bark,Geranium nepalensewhole grass, andCornus officinalisfruit showed the significant inhibition of PPL with 32

Of the screened extracts, 44 extracts in the concentration of 100?Rubi Fructusfruit,Salicis RadicisCortex bark,Geranium nepalensewhole grass, andCornus officinalisfruit showed the significant inhibition of PPL with 32.5%, 34.8%, 38%, and 31.4%, respectively, compared to the orlistat (100?in vitroCoscinium fenestratumstems showed a weak lipase inhibitory activity (IC50 value of 160?Alpinia zerumbetto inhibit pancreatic lipasein vitroShorea roxburghiito inhibit … Continue reading Of the screened extracts, 44 extracts in the concentration of 100?Rubi Fructusfruit,Salicis RadicisCortex bark,Geranium nepalensewhole grass, andCornus officinalisfruit showed the significant inhibition of PPL with 32